First Aid at Work [Remote Working]

First aid at work [remote working]

Instructor-led: 3 day course

Our First aid at work [remote working] course provides delegates with a standard Highfield Awarding Body HSE First Aid at Work qualification. This course would cover the fully HSE syllabus, but there would be particular emphases on the issues that are likely to occur in a Remote Working environment e.g. spinal, head and other impact/crush injuries, fractures and dislocations, as well as Hypothermia, Exposure and Heat Exhaustion; beyond this we would look to tailored this course for your particular work environment.

‘First Aid at Work [Remote Working]’ is an advance level course suitable for employees who have been nominated as First-aiders for their workplace, to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive [HSE], where the workplace is classified as a ‘medium to high risk’ hazardous environment [*N.B. see below First Aid – Employers’ legal responsibility].

We are members of the Federation of First Aid Training Organisations, are a Highfield Awarding Body approved centre, and are an Adventure Activities Licencing Authority approved provider.

We offer specialised first aid courses for remote and outdoor working and/or activities. This can be applicable to a diverse range of companies that operate in areas that are a distance, or are hard to access for emergency services. This includes bespoke versions our popular first aid courses. All courses adhere to HSE’s and first aid industry standards, with additional content modified to suit requirements for remote working/outdoor activity related injuries and risk. These include:

  • Manual handling
  • Slips, falls from height
  • Workplace transport and machinery
  • Struck by something – sharp or falling objects.
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Defibrillator training
  • Paediatric first aid
  • Emergency first aid
  • First aid at work

Course format: This intensive course requires 18 hours ‘direct contact training’ [i.e. excluding breaks and lunch time]. It is usually delivered in a three six hour day format, but can also be delivered in other non-consecutive formats [although the sessions must be closely scheduled].

Course aims: This intensive introductory course will provide workplace First-aiders with a wide range of knowledge and skills to enable them to; assess the situation and circumstances in order to act safely, and to promptly provide effective emergency First Aid to a casualty [or casualties] to prevent the situation from worsening and promote recovery.

Assessment and course certification: Following ongoing assessment by the tutor and having undergone a final appraisal by way of a formal assessment process, upon successful completion of the course each participant will receive a First Aid at Work Certificate, which is valid for three years from the date of issue.

First Aid at Work Certificate holders, who want to renew their certificate, without needing to undertake a full repeat 18 hour [3 day] course, can do so by attending an approved 2-day refresher course, before or close to the expiry date of their certificate.

Annual Refresher: Although the Health and Safety Executive [HSE] recognize the First Aid at Work course as being valid for three years, in terms of ‘best practice’ the HSE highly recommends First-aiders attend an annual re-fresher course.

Prerequisites: The only pre-conditions for delegates attending this course, are the delegates’ fitness to participate [see note below] and for them to have a keen interest in becoming a First-aider.

However, you may have previously undergone some form of elementary introductory First Aid. This is usually achieved by their having attended a (4 hour) Emergency Life Support course [sometimes referred to as an Appointed Person course] and/or the one day Emergency First Aid at Work course, or perhaps some basic online training.