Emergency First Aid at Work

Emergency First Aid at Work

The ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ is an introductory level course, and is suitable for employees who have been nominated as Emergency First-aiders for their workplace, to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive [HSE], where the workplace is classified as a ‘low risk environment’ such as offices and most retail outlets, where there are fewer than 100 employees [*N.B. see below First Aid – Employers’ legal responsibility].

Course format: This introductory course requires 6 hours ‘direct contact training’ [i.e. excluding breaks and lunch time]. It is usually delivered in a one day format, but can also be delivered in a two X 3 hours session format [although the sessions must be closely scheduled].

Course aims: This basic introductory course will provide workplace First-aiders with a range of knowledge and skills to enable them to; assess the situation and circumstances in order to act safely, and to promptly provide effective emergency First Aid to a casualty [or casualties] to prevent the situation from worsening and promote recovery.

The course will follow the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive’s (First Aid) syllabus guidelines. Beyond this, we will always look to tailor the course to the most relevant requirements of your particular workplace.

Assessment and course certification: Following ongoing assessment by the tutor, upon successful completion of the course each participant will receive an Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate, which is valid for three years from the date of issue.

Prerequisites: The only pre-conditions for delegates attending this course, are the delegates’ fitness to participate [see note below] and for them to have a keen interest in becoming a First-aider.

Annual Refresher: Although the Health and Safety Executive [HSE] recognise the Emergency First Aid at Work course as being valid for three years, in terms of ‘best practice’ the HSE highly recommends First-aiders attend an annual re-fresher course.